About FabTennis
Fab Tennis is a social enterprise committed to make tennis more accessible, diverse and democratic.
We believe sport has the power to connect and inspire all of us, and every community should get their fair chance to fall in love with tennis.
Our mission is to serve as a platform for tennis players to access safe, trustful, non biased advice and information on tennis gear, injury prevention and performance. As well as to train a new generation of tennis coaches committed to our values.
FABTennis is the trading arm of the East London Stringing & Tennis Solutions CIC .
About Fabricio
Hi, I’m Fabricio Mendes but everyone call me Fab. I grew up in a satellite city near Rio de Janeiro and was lucky enough to have access to tennis courts in a country where every other child was playing football. Over the past thirty years, I’ve been playing tennis, having spent most of my life on the tennis court.
Tennis has taught me everything. Through tennis I learned to respect people and to play fairly, to be true to myself and understand that accepting a loss could be one my greatest wins. Tennis has shaped my values and helped me become a citizen concerned about people, social justice and community.
In 2014 I graduated as a lawyer in Brasil at PUC-Rio and completed in 2016 a Masters in Social Entrepreneurship at Goldsmiths College, University of London. Today I am a LTA Level 2 Accredited Tennis Instructor and a social entrepreneur focussed on sharing the values tennis has taught me over the years, and help this great sport becoming more accessible and democratic, tackling the stigma of tennis as an ‘elite sport’. I am also pursuing a PhD in Design at Loughborough University London, investigating the design of London Olympics’ legacies.
Alongside my fellow coaches Calum Manby and Filippo Lovascio, I founded FabTennis to help people in the community willing to access tennis related advice, services and products as well as to help democratise the sport.